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W810 OPC Sup 葡松精华 60 CAPSULES

* Mega Antioxidant Blend of French Non-GMO Ingredients; * Contains Pine Bark; *Supports Engergy and Overall Health.
Made inUSA , 12433-C RO919
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Antioxidants are natural compounds found in some foods that help neutralize free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are substances that occur naturally in our bodies that attack the fats, protein, and the DNA in our cells, ultimately causing different types of diseases by accelerating the aging process. For this reason, antioxidants play an important role in our overall health. AndorraLife's OPC contains four key ingredients that have been clinically proven to fight these free radicals.

Why choose AndorraLife OPC ?

  • Contains four types of natures most powerful antioxidant extracts
  • All-natural, non-GMO
  • Supports anti-aging

Active Ingredients and Their results:


Grapeseed Extract

Grapeseed extract is an excellent source of specific polyphenol antioxidants called OPCs, which are clinically proven to fight free radicals and provide many healthy-aging result. Grapeseed extract supports production and stability of collagen and elastin - two proteins that are very important to connective tissue health. Grapeseed extract also supports cardiovascular health and a healthy immune system.


While all parts of red grapes contain some proanthocyanidins, including the juice, skins and seeds, the highest source of small molecule and highly bioactive oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are found in red grape seeds. Misleading marketers market their white grape products and lower quality red grape products as red grape seed extracts. For the purpose of dietary supplements, only red grape seed extracts have the overwhelming science behind them.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans and certain other animal species. Its also a cofactor in at least eight enzymatic reactions, including several collagen synthesis reactions. Ascorbate (a form of Vitamin C) may also act as an antioxidant against oxidative stress. It is required for a range of essential metabolic reactions in all animals and plants. Furthermore, it is made internally by almost all organisms but not humans. Humans must absorb Vitamin C from diet. A major deficiency of vitamin c can cause the most severe symptoms of scurvy.


AndorraLife Nature C is the new form of Vitamin C, clinically proven superior to standard vitamin c supplements.It contains vitamin C-lipid metabolites for enhanced delivery, absorption and utilization throughout your body. Nature C also improves blood plasma and tissue retention of vitamin C.


Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is an herbal derivative from green tea leaves. Containing antioxidant ingredients mainly green tea catechins (GTC) green tea and its derivatives are sought-after amongst people who pursue good health. The Indian and Chinese have used green tea for hundreds of years for a wide variety of health related functions. These cultures have used green tea to treat headaches, aching body parts to improve life expectancy and more.


Pine Bark Extract
Pine bark extract is made from the bark of the maritime pine tree, which contains naturally occurring OPCs. Pine bark extract is used for its antioxidant properties and multiple anti-aging resulets, such as:


  • Supports health,
  • Provides joint support,

    Skin care, eye and vision support,

    Mitigates chronic venous insufficiency (blood circulation).

为什么选择服用Wayal的葡松精华 ?







Wayal的葡松精华产品选用的是新形式维生素C,所含的维生素C脂质不仅可以增强维生素C在人体内的吸收和利用度, 而且也可提高维生素C在血浆和人体组织中的滞留时间,以便被人体更好的吸收。





•    最高质量的原材料成分:纯天然,非转基因
•    最高剂量及有科学依据的配方,保护您的健康
•    美国制造,生产设备和厂房由美国食品和药检局(FDA)监测和登记备案,符合美国药典(USP)质量、纯度和效力的严格标准


OPC,中文常常被稱為「葡萄籽」,安道的這款功能營養保健品原名為「OPC Sup-reme」,翻譯成中文為「葡松精華」。科研人員將其稱為原花青素,一種存在於葡萄中的天然植物多酚類物質,也是一種超級抗氧化劑
OPC 是國際上公認、可以清除我們人體內「百病元兇」自由基的最強效天然抗氧化劑,是大眾熟知 維生素C的20倍、維生素E的50倍 
科學已經證實,OPC不僅具有抑制並清除自由基、抗氧化的健康功效, 而且還抗輻射、抗腫瘤、抗過敏、抗衰老和提高心、腦血管活性等多種生物學功效,在藥品、保健品、食品、化妝品及臨床治療疾病等領域廣泛的應用。
例如,我們之所以說OPC有「女人的守護神」、「皮膚維他命」和「口服化妝品」的美譽,是因為我們人體最大的器官 --- 皮膚外部受到太陽紫外線的摧殘,體內有酵素和自由基的侵害,皮膚隨年歲的增長,皺紋也隨著增加並逐漸失去光澤與彈性。OPC能從外部及內部給皮膚雙重的保護,阻止紫外線對皮膚的傷害,抑制由紫外線引起的色素沉著。為此,OPC能阻止參與形成雀斑的黑色素 --- 醯氨酸酶的活性,抑制50%黑色素的產生,從而達到增白皮膚的作用。進而,OPC能阻擋紫外線侵害皮膚、收緊皮膚、防止皮膚皺紋的提早出現。長期服用OPC能使皮膚光滑、富有彈性、美容養顏的功效。
此外,有研究顯示,OPC不僅對抗過敏的功效十分顯著,而且還能預防早老性癡呆症,因為OPC可以通過血腦屏障(Blood-brain barrier)而對腦細胞提供抗氧化保護作用,穩定血腦屏障,使有害物質無法進入大腦 。
雖然OPC保健品健康功效這麽好,但是在市場中選擇適合自己、且性價比和品質都好的卻不那麼容易。市面上冠以OPC的保健品有不少,魚龍混雜,其中不乏大牌,但其功效和安全性真是不敢恭維。忽悠的成分太大,誇大的水分太多,OPC 健康功效的本真性喪失殆盡!
然而,安道的葡松精華(OPC Sup-reme值得您信賴, 值得您服用,因為安道的葡松精華被《美國醫師醫藥指南》(Physicians' Desk Reference book,縮寫為PDR,有權威第三者背書。
服用安道的葡松精華,還有一個獨到的健康好處就是與安道公司出品的「天然C」(Nature C)一起服用,因為OPC和維生素C一起服用有利於OPC的營養成分與維生素C相互結合,相互作用,從而促成這些營養元素達到更好的效果。
最後,這篇介绍九月九折星 --- 葡松精華產品的文章以西班牙阿利坎特大學(University of Alicante)所做的一項研究結束。這項研究根據3萬人的出生月份和27種慢性病的關聯做出統計。結果顯示,春天出生的人,因為母親在冬季孕期營養攝取不夠完全,加上接觸的陽光少,維生素D也相對較少,間接影響嬰兒健康;冬季出生,食物過敏的危險大,日曬時間也短,導致人體缺乏維生素D。最後研究總結,9月出生的人患各項慢性疾病的風險最低。換句話說,九月出生的人最健康。
然而,尊敬的安道聯盟商和廣大顧客,不管您是一年中哪個月出生,安道公司的功能性營養保健品 ---葡松精華都會成為您的健康大力神,讓您屬於世上最健康的一族!
說這麽多不如一「服」。將服用安道葡松精華納入您的一日三餐之中,「生命的常青素」、「女人的守護神」、「皮膚維他命」、「口服化妝品」, 特別是降縛「百病元兇」 --- 自由基的神奇健康功效就會在您身呈現



抗氧化剂是从一些食物中萃取的天然化合物,可以减弱自由基对人体的损害。自由基(Free radical)是在人体内自然生成的不良物质,在人体内破坏脂肪,蛋白质和DNA中的良性细胞,从而导致不同类型的疾病及加速人体衰老。也就是说人体内自由基含量越高,寿命越短。因此,抗氧化剂对人体的整体健康发挥着重要的角色。



Wayal 葡松精华OPC的健康贡献


• Wayal的葡松精华含有4种最强的天然抗氧化物质

• 帮助改善微循环,缓解静脉曲张,静脉炎,改善心血管功能

• 改善皮肤,美白怯斑,预防皮肤癌

• 保护眼睛和视力,改善白内障,飞蚊症

• 全面抗氧化,提高免疫力,改善过敏性疾病,对抗各类急慢性炎症

• 防止记忆力衰退,老年痴呆

• 促进伤口愈合,有助于骨骼和牙齿健康,改善关节功能




Wayal的葡松精华OPC S-upreme中含有葡萄籽萃取物,即低聚原花青素多酚抗氧化剂(OPCs)。OPCs已被临床证明,是对抗自由基和抗衰老的最佳选择。OPCs帮助生产胶原蛋白和维持弹性蛋白的稳定性,从而对于保持关节韧带健康起到决定性的作用。此外,OPCs对于保持心血管健康和健康的免疫系统也起到重要的作用。红葡萄的所有部位(果汁,皮和籽)都包含一些OPCs,在红葡萄籽中的OPCs含量最高。只有红葡萄籽中萃取的OPCs才有科学的验证。





Wayal的葡松精华产品选用的维生素C是新形式的维生素C,所含的维生素C脂质不仅可以增强维生素C在人体内的吸收和利用度, 而且也可提高维生素C在血浆和人体组织中的滞留时间,以便被人体更好的吸收。






• 每瓶60粒,每天2粒。

Active Ingredients and Their B enefits:


Grapeseed Extract

Grapeseed extract is an excellent source of specific polyphenol antioxidants called OPCs, which are clinically proven to fight free radicals and provide many healthy-aging b enefits. Grapeseed extract supports production and stability of collagen and elastin - two proteins that are very important to connective tissue health. Grapeseed extract also supports cardiovascular health and a healthy immune system.


While all parts of red grapes contain some proanthocyanidins, including the juice, skins and seeds, the highest source of small molecule and highly bioactive oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are found in red grape seeds. Misleading marketers market their white grape products and lower quality red grape products as red grape seed extracts. For the purpose of dietary supplements, only red grape seed extracts have the overwhelming science behind them.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans and certain other animal species. Its also a cofactor in at least eight enzymatic reactions, including several collagen synthesis reactions. Ascorbate (a form of Vitamin C) may also act as an antioxidant against oxidative stress. It is required for a range of essential metabolic reactions in all animals and plants. Furthermore, it is made internally by almost all organisms but not humans. Humans must absorb Vitamin C from diet. A major deficiency of vitamin c can cause the most severe symptoms of scurvy.


AndorraLife Nature C is the new form of Vitamin C, clinically proven superior to standard vitamin c supplements.It contains vitamin C-lipid metabolites for enhanced delivery, absorption and utilization throughout your body. Nature C also improves blood plasma and tissue retention of vitamin C.


Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is an herbal derivative from green tea leaves. Containing antioxidant ingredients mainly green tea catechins (GTC) green tea and its derivatives are sought-after amongst people who pursue good health. The Indian and Chinese have used green tea for hundreds of years for a wide variety of health related functions. These cultures have used green tea to treat headaches, aching body parts to improve life expectancy and more.


Pine Bark Extract
Pine bark extract is made from the bark of the maritime pine tree, which contains naturally occurring OPCs. Pine bark extract is used for its antioxidant properties and multiple anti-aging b enefits, such as:


  • Supports health,
  • Provides joint support,



  • Skin care, eye and vision support,



  • Mitigates chronic venous insufficiency (blood circulation).
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