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W851 Enzyme Plus 消化酵素 60 Capsules

Dietary Supplement
*May Prevent Occasional Gas, Bloating and Stomach Discomfort; * Proprietary Blend of 15 Enzymes and Nutrients; *Made with Natural Ingredients.
Made in USA.
12173-C RO318
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Wayal 消化酵素的健康貢獻

• 富含15种不同的营养素和消化酶:特别针对婴幼儿、儿童娇嫩脾胃设计的独有配方;
• 特含乳糖酶:帮助消除乳糖消化不良,适合婴幼儿食用;
• 协助分解最难消化的食物:蛋白酶——消化蛋白质;脂肪酶——协助脂肪分解;综合酵素——分解豆类,防止胀气;
• 特含益生元成份:增加肠道有活性益生菌生长,益肠健胃;
• 含薄荷、留兰香、茴香油成分:为您的消化系统提供最好的保养,可增强食欲、改善厌食和食欲不振等问题;帮助更好吸收各种营养素,达到营养均衡;
• 改善便秘,预防上火。


• 每瓶60粒,每天2粒。

Enzymes are natures catalysts which greatly speed up chemical processes and reactions. In doing so, enzymes make life possible. In some cases, reaction speeds are increased by more than one billion times, making possible functions such as digesting food, complex brain functions and the repairing of tissues.

There are two basic types of enzymes: 

  1. Systemic or metabolic enzymes
  2. Digestive enzymes

Metabolic enzymes spark the reactions within the cells of the body. The body's organs, tissues, and cells are enabled by metabolic enzymes. Without them, the body's functions would not exist.

Digestive enzymes are found in raw foods, as well as produced in the body. Their function is to break down food particles so they can be absorbed.

Processing food puts a strain on our digestion. Enzymes that can break down food are present in all foods including animal products. However, the heat from cooking and processing kills these enzymes (including pasteurization in the case of milk). If enzymes are not present when we eat, food will not be broken down completely, and a greater strain is put on the digestive system. We are more likely to suffer from indigestion and stomach discomfort - the bloated/heavy feeling and embarrassing gas. Additionally, as the body ages, the digestive enzymes produced in our bodies decreases, which makes the indigestion problem even worse. 

AndorraLife's Enzyme Plus is a comprehensive, multi-enzyme formula that supports every need of your digestive system. All-natural and fast-acting, Enzyme Plus contains the most advanced complex of 15 nutrients and enzymes to target the most difficult foods to digest.

Enzyme Plus by AndorraLife helps relieve indigestion discomfort related to foods, such as:


  • Beans and lentils
  • Green vegetables - broccoli, kale and other leafy greens
  • Onions and garlic
  • Fruits


Enzyme Plus also includes proteases for protein (dairy food) digestion, and lipase for assisting with the breaking down of fats. Along with calming oils of peppermint, spearmint, and fennel, the digestive tract is soothed and will function efficiently at the same time.

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